
We, in transportation, would like to familiarize you and your child/children with the process of riding the bus to and from school. We have a few simple but very important rules that need to be followed to make the experience of riding the school bus a positive one.

  • Always stay seated when the bus is moving

  • Use the quiet voice on the bus

  • Keep your hands and feet to yourself

The drivers make an effort to have the younger children sit toward the front of the bus. Please help us educate your children regarding the “Danger Zone” and bus safety. The “Danger Zone” is the area around the bus that the driver is unable to see in his mirrors or with his eyes.

It is school policy that kindergarteners are not allowed to get off the bus without a parent, guardian or designated adult to meet them. An older sibling (high school or middle school) will be allowed to take them off the bus.

 Again, we want to make riding the bus a positive experience for your child/children.

Thank you,

Craig Thompson- Transportation Director

The Department of Elementary and Secondary Education provides an Exemplary School Bus Maintenance Award to school districts and/or contractors who have 90% or more of their buses pass the Missouri State Highway Patrol spring school bus inspection on their first attempt. An award is also presented to school districts and/or contractors who have achieved the 90% passage for five or more consecutive years. The Marshall Public Schools district has received this distinction for the last five years!


danger zones
