Per DESE/state guidelines, school districts have up to36 approved AMI (alternative methods of instruction, which is remote learning) hours they are allowed to use during the school year.  These hours are usually used for inclement weather or other emergency circumstances. Spainhower Primary School was closed from 9/2/2021 - 9/8/2021 and used 24.5 AMI hours, leaving the district with only 11.5 AMI hours to use this school year. These remaining few hours must be reserved for bad weather or other reasons that may occur later this year.

In Marshall's case, the district must be able to send devices home with students so they may learn remotely. This was not possible as the huge local surge in COVID cases hit the community quickly. In addition, so many teachers and staff members are ill that AMI would not be possible for every school building. DESE counts hours missed in one building as district hours missed. Thank you for your understanding and support of Marshall Public Schools.

Mrs. Laura Jacobi, Director of Teaching and Learning
Dr. Carol Maher, Superintendent of Schools